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Financial Planning Advice and Services in Marrickville, Sydney NSW

We are iRetire Wealth
Bunch of business professionals

Financial Solutions tailored for you

iRetire Wealth focus on achieving what is important to our clients through custom made solutions. We have a proven track record of matching the right financial strategies and services for our clients, based on high standards of trust and integrity, directed by meeting our client’s best interests.

We are a privately-owned boutique wealth management business. The business was founded by James Bouzios, primarily to extend the range of bespoke services offered to his individual, family and small to medium size enterprise accounting clients.

Our Services

Learn about the range of financial services that iRetire Wealth can help you with.

Our Team

The strength of our business is the strength of our team. Meet the people that keep the wheels turning.
James Bouzios

James Bouzios

Managing Director

View Profile

Peter Dickinson

Peter Dickinson

AFP, Certified Financial Planner®

View Profile

Our Processes

Our experienced advisers will guide you through a process that is designed to help you achieve your goals.
Couple meeting with financial adviser

We create financial strategies for every aspect of your life, whether you are an individual, a family, a professional or business owner.

We begin by helping you clarify and prioritise your goals. We then research and develop a strategy to best assist you in accomplishing your goals. This process may involve considering multiple scenarios, to assess different outcomes. We then create a clear action plan, so you know what you need to do to reach your goals.

We offer ongoing support to ensure you are on track to achieve your goals and to accommodate any changes in your life, such as a new job, updating your insurance, or a new savings goal.

Throughout the process we seek to inform, consult and engage with you to provide clarity and ensure we are always acting in your best interests.

Most people find the financial planning process really empowering because instead of just worrying about your finances and how you are going to achieve your goals, you are taking action which makes you feel more optimistic about the future.

Our Fees

No tricks. No surprises. No unexpected charges. Learn more about our fee structure.
Relax knowing that we're not ripping you off

We are happy to meet and discuss your goals and objectives, then determine whether our services are appropriate for you. This initial meeting is always at no cost or obligation to you. Any further cost to you depends on the level of complexity of the work we undertake. Our fees are negotiated and agreed to prior to us commencing any work.

In general, we charge a one-off fee to prepare a Financial Plan. This preparation includes identifying your needs, undertaking research, providing recommendations, discussing the plan and making any adjustments, followed by full implementation of our recommendations. Our Plan will identify the basis of our strategy, together with benefits and drawbacks of our recommendations as well as full disclosure of any additional costs to you and any other remuneration we may expect to receive as a result of you agreeing to our recommendations.

Often our Financial Plan will recommend we undertake to regularly review our advice to ensure it is still appropriate to your circumstances. In this case, an ongoing agreement would be negotiated with an agreed annual fixed fee, or a percentage-based fee on funds under management.

Latest News

Read the latest industry updates from the iRetire Wealth news desk.
Four SMSF breaches high on the ATO’s radar

Four SMSF breaches high on the ATO’s radar

The Tax Office is actively targeting SMSF trustees over a range of super breaches. Home ownership is still the...

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Home is where the super is for many Australians

Home is where the super is for many Australians

More Australians are upsizing their super by downsizing their...

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Investment and economic outlook, February 2025

Investment and economic outlook, February 2025

The latest forecasts for investment returns and region-by-region economic...

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TBC increase not just about pensions

TBC increase not just about pensions

An industry consultant has reminded practitioners the indexation measure to be applied to the general transfer...

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SAR non-lodgment continues to be a concern: ATO

SAR non-lodgment continues to be a concern: ATO

The non-lodgment of superannuation annual returns continues to be one of the ATO’s major concerns, the...

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Increase in prohibited loans a concern: ATO

Increase in prohibited loans a concern: ATO

While the amount of illegally accessed funds from SMSFs has reduced, the amount of prohibited loans has gone...

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Retiree confidence undermined

Retiree confidence undermined

Cost-of-living pressures have eroded retiree confidence and prompted many to recalibrate their expectations...

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The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

The Most Held Currencies in the World | 1850-2024

Check out the most powerful Currencies in the World ...

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Up to 700k retirees could be paying more tax than they should: SMC

Up to 700k retirees could be paying more tax than they should: SMC

Lack of proper financial advice is costing hundreds of thousands of retirees in unnecessary taxes, the Super...

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Plant growing out of wealth accumulation and investments.

Wealth Accumulation & Investment Strategies

Building wealth is about working smarter, not harder. It’s a team effort, with having competent players in the right position at the right time being the key to success. Whilst you play your part, iRetire Wealth offer the complementary skills to maximise your potential. This can include professional, well qualified experience in areas such as budgeting & debt management, tax planning & structuring, gearing to invest, managed & direct investing as well as performance monitoring & ongoing reviews.

Australian flag, coins and notes with superannuation sign.


Building retirement savings through superannuation can be one of the most tax effective strategies available to you. However, the benefits available to you can be diminished through excessive fees and inappropriate investment allocation or selection. iRetire Wealth base our advice on your personal circumstances, providing transparency and clarity to help you maximise your retirement saving potential.

Financial planner and advisor managing self managed super funds.

Self Managed Super Funds

This rapidly expanding segment offers great potential for the right individuals. iRetire Wealth offer a full range of SMSF services, starting with determining if this strategy is appropriate for you. Beyond this, we provide advice on establishment, investment strategy, ongoing investment management, compliance and reporting through to establishing pensions and winding up when appropriate.

Elderly Australian couple looking at retirement planning.

Retirement Planning

The constantly evolving complexities of regulations and legislation make planning for retirement difficult. Whether starting early or later, well qualified advice can help you achieve the most by utilising the time and resources you have available to you. A thorough plan will include superannuation and non-superannuation investment planning, full utilisation of superannuation contribution strategies, together with budgeting, debt management and tax planning strategies, to produce a realistic projection of your optimum outcome. We start with what you are doing now and project how our recommendations can help you achieve more.

Happy family with insurance.


Thorough planning for wealth accumulation requires allowing for contingencies. The factors outside your control can have a greater impact than those you can control. This includes financial planning for individuals, families and businesses. Often the best strategy to address risk is through insurance. iRetire Wealth help you determine what cover is most appropriate, how much cover you need, how it would be most appropriately structured and how sustainable the cost can be.

Last will and testament document as part of estate planning.

Estate Planning

A comprehensive plan extends beyond retirement. Having a valid will is only the start, estate planning extends this to ensure your beneficiaries receive the optimum benefit of your life’s work. iRetire Wealth can assist with planning and reviewing the most appropriate structures to address tax issues, protect assets and ensure your wishes are met as closely as possible in health and upon incapacity or death.

James Bouzios

James Bouzios


James is a Financial Planner and qualified Tax Accountant with over 30 years’ experience in providing taxation, accounting and business planning advice on a personal and business level. As the principal of a public accounting practice, James has specialised in advising small to medium enterprises and high net worth individuals on taxation strategies, structuring personal and business entities, self-managed superannuation funds, investment strategies and risk management. James hold Diplomas in both Accounting and Financial Planning, together with Tax Agent Registration.

Roy Todarello

Roy Todarello

Investment / Compliance Consultant

Roy is a dedicated Financial Planner with over 20 years’ experience at both a senior executive level within a corporate environment and as principal of his own boutique financial planning firm. Roy is highly qualified and well recognised within the industry, having contributed significantly to professional standards development for the industry through its representative bodies. Roy holds a Master of Commerce Degree in Financial Planning, a Bachelor of Engineering (Civil) Degree and the Diploma of Financial Planning.

Peter Dickinson

Peter Dickinson

Certified Financial Planner®

Peter joined iRetire Wealth as an undergraduate intern in 2015 and became an Authorised Representative in 2016. Peter has extensive experience outside financial planning, including working in financial markets. Peter is a Certified Financial Planner, recognised globally as the highest achievement within the profession and holds a Bachelor of Applied Finance (Financial Planning) and Diploma of Financial Planning.

Peter has been an active member of the Financial Planning Association since 2014, including a Delegate role at the 2016 National Congress. Peter is also active in education within the profession, serving on the TAFE Higher Education Course Advisory Committee for their Bachelor of Applied Commerce, Graduate Diploma of Financial Planning and Graduate Certificate of Financial Planning programs.

CFP Certified Financial Planner logo and banner.

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