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The Team at Diamond Financial Solutions continually work to ensure that our clients Financial Plans have the maximum potential of achieving their desired result. We provide our clients with advice detailing the impact that changes will have on the Financial Plan. This includes both changes in personal circumstances and changes to external factors (new taxes, increased insurance premiums, stock market collapses etc).

Our team are qualified to give specialist advice and assistance on all aspects of Financial Planning and include:


Melissa Gilbert

CFP®, B.A (Econs), Dip FP
Authorised Representative of AXA Financial Planning
An Australian Financial Services Licensee

Academic and Professional Qualifications

  • Bachelor of Arts (Economics)
  • Post Graduate studies with the Securities Institute
  • Diploma of Financial Planning
  • Certified Financial PlannerTM

Financial and Investment Planning Background

Diamond Financial Solutions and Melissa Gilbert of 119 Willoughby Road, CROWS NEST NSW 2065, are Authorised Representatives of AXA Financial Planning Limited ABN 21 005 799 977, an Australian Financial Services Licensee.

Melissa offers specialist advice on all aspects of financial planning, particularly in developing strategies to:

  • Build wealth for clients and their dependents
  • Make the most of superannuation funds
  • Protect the wealth and lifestyle of clients and their dependants
  • Provide clients with secure, tax effective income in retirement
  • Maximise clients Centrelink entitlements
  • Accumulate assets in the most tax effective way

Melissa has over 20 years of experience in the financial services industry, where she has worked at MLC, Macquarie Bank and Colonial Bank. Melissa has worked with several hundred investors to ensure that they are making the most out of their money and achieving maximum lifestyle enjoyment.

Among her many speaking assignments, Melissa has lectured for the Australian Stock Exchange, Accounting groups, and Evening Colleges. She has also provided financial planning articles for the Australian Business Women's network, Cleo, VIVE, and Family Circle magazines. Melissa was previous Vice President for Women in Finance, a non profit association for women in the financial services industry to network with peers, and to gain professional and personal development skills outside of their companies / businesses.

Melissa is available for financial planning consultations, where the first appointment is cost and obligation free.   She is also available for speaking engagements on financial planning and lifestyle issues.  Melissa aims to provide, the best personal financial strategic advice to enhance her clients' quality of life.

Support Staff

To assist our Advisers, Diamond Financial Solutions Pty Ltd utilises professional
para-planning services and employs two support staff.

Also Interstate

To assist our clients nationally, we have arrangements in place with like minded professionals in all State capitals and several regional centres.



AXA Financial Planning Limited ABN 21 005 799 977 | Australian Financial Services Licensee Licence Number 234663 | AXA Financial Planning's principle address - Level 3 447 Collins Street Melbourne VIC 3000 | AXA Financial Planning is a Principle Member of the Financial Planning Association | Disclaimer | Legal Statement | Privacy Policy | Site Map | Site By PlannerWeb