Taxation is something we'd all rather do without but it's a fact of life. Why not let our tax specialists ease the burden by helping you plan the way you make the most of both your corporate and personal circumstances.

We will make sure you understand the implications of your business decisions, whether you're buying a company car or buying out a competitor.

Keeping you up-to-date with the latest legislation and making sure you comply with the regulations are priorities too. And of course we'll take the task of dealing with the Taxation Office off your shoulders, so that you can concentrate on the demands of running your business.

More specifically we provide:

  • Preparation of taxation returns for individuals, partnerships, trusts, companies, and superannuation funds
  • Tax minimisation planning
  • Expert advice on all aspects of income tax including deductibility of expenses, capital gains issues, superannuation and fringe benefits
  • Advice on the most suitable business structure for your situation
  • Salary packaging advice on negative gearing of property, shares and other investments

New Clients

All our new clients are given a detailed taxation review and a written report which analyses their taxation position and provides recommendations for improvement.

The review is extensive. It begins by analysing the tax efficiency of the client's structure including economic, commercial and personal considerations. The review is not limited to Income Tax but includes Fringe Benefits Tax, Capital Gains Tax, Payroll Tax and International Tax. The scope of the review can be broadened to include indirect taxes such as sales tax. This review has considerable benefits. It identifies problem areas and opportunities and enables us to gain a thorough understanding of the client from the beginning.


Daniel Beydoun & Co.
Phone: (02) 9264 1124 | Fax: (02) 9264 1125 | Suite 603, Level 6, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | PO Box A262, Sydney South NSW 1235 |
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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