At Daniel Beydoun & Co, we work as your business partner, helping you and your business to meet every opportunity. For this reason, our services are tailored to meet the needs of your business - whether you're looking to improve you're business systems and operate more efficiently, grow and diversify an existing business, or just starting out.

Daniel Beydoun & Co is a centre for business growth located in the heart of Sydney's CBD.

Our firm is dedicated to taking the headache out of running a business and saving you money through greater efficiencies. In fact, we are so confident of our ability to help your business, our pricing policy offers the first consultation for free.

We strive to forge long term relationships with clients built on trust, accessibility, excellence and experience. The partners have a philosophy of life long learning, continually updating their skills to ensure that you receive the best advice at the right time.

The principal, Daniel Beydoun, has assisted many leading businesses improve their operations and many as yet unknown business make a start in an increasingly competitive business environment.

Daniel is a Certified Practising Accountant (CPA), a Fellow of the Taxation Institute of Australia and a registered tax agent. He also holds a Bachelor of Commerce degree from the University of Sydney. Isn't it time you contact us?



Daniel Beydoun & Co.
Phone: (02) 9264 1124 | Fax: (02) 9264 1125 | Suite 603, Level 6, 321 Pitt Street, Sydney NSW 2000 | PO Box A262, Sydney South NSW 1235 | info@dbc.net.au
Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

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