• Welcome to Cullen Financial Planning
    An independently owned and operated financial planning practice
    located in Concord 2173, Sydney, Australia.
    To find out more about the company and what we can offer you, please browse
    our website and feel free to contact us should you wish to discuss anything.

About Us

About Us

Cullen Private Wealth is a privately owned business that provides a comprehensive financial advisory service to our clients.


Our Services

Our Services

We offer a range of fee-based service packages that allow clients to select the option that best suits their needs.


Our Process

Our Process

Do you have a financial plan in place for the next 3-10 years? We do, and we would love to help you implement it.


Find out what's going on in the financial world

  • Four SMSF breaches high on the ATO’s radar
    The Tax Office is actively targeting SMSF trustees over a range of super breaches. Home ownership is still the great Australian dream for many people.
  • Home is where the super is for many Australians
    More Australians are upsizing their super by downsizing their home.
  • Investment and economic outlook, February 2025
    The latest forecasts for investment returns and region-by-region economic outlook.
  • TBC increase not just about pensions
    An industry consultant has reminded practitioners the indexation measure to be applied to the general transfer balance cap will have implications for other elements of the superannuation system as well that are unrelated to income streams.
  • SAR non-lodgment continues to be a concern: ATO
    The non-lodgment of superannuation annual returns continues to be one of the ATO’s major concerns, the deputy commissioner for superannuation has said.
  • Increase in prohibited loans a concern: ATO
    While the amount of illegally accessed funds from SMSFs has reduced, the amount of prohibited loans has gone up, the Commissioner of Taxation has said.

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Try out our FREE Financial Tools

Financial Tools

Our suite of FREE financial tools allows you to draw up a budget, calculate income tax estimates, forecast your superannuation outlook, and much more. Register today!

Launch the Financial Tools

General Calculators

We also supply links to a series of general money management tools and calculators, provided by MoneySmart by ASIC. These calculators are also FREE.

Launch the General Calculators

Cullen in the Media

Cullen In The Media

Over the years Damian Cullen has made quite a few appearances on both TV and radio. If you missed him, all new appearances will be placed on the website for you to view at your leisure.

Come and take a look.


Get in Touch

Get In Touch

Phone: 02 9743 3850
Mobile: 0419 263 745
Email: dc@cullen.com.au

45 Evans Street,
Balmain NSW 2041

Contact Us

Cullen Financial Planning Pty Ltd ABN 42 634 735 399
Principal/Representative: Damian Cullen
Australian Financial Services Licensee
Certified Financial Planner
Financial Planning Association Member

Financial Services Guide
