|  Our Staff


We are a ‘people’ industry and our staff are people, and are as important to us as our customers – our children and their parents.We understand that there are high expectations of Childcare teachers, with significant responsibilities placed on them – all for lower than deserved salaries.

The Centre management recognises that if we are prepared to put more into our teaching staff, then they will put more into their work with the children, and the children will benefit.

This creates an environment of happy and supportive parents, which will then support the Centre, and so the cycle continues.We want the highest quality Centre, and we are prepared to start the wheel turning.
The Centre has therefore developed its ‘Staff Benefits Program’, to provide its staff with the following benefits, in addition to all the ‘standard’ things that are covered in the Childcare Award.

• Above Award salaries.

• Uniforms to wear at work, in addition to a generous clothing and footwear allowance.

• ‘Blue Cards’ paid by the Centre.

• 5 RDO’s per year, or an additional week of holidays.

• The facility to ‘salary sacrifice’ and/or salary package your income.

• Participation in Centre organised training courses for Professional Development.(More can be found on this under the heading of ‘Training & P.D.’)

• Study support for those staff undergoing additional studies.

• Partial or complete subsidy of fees for staff to upgrade their qualifications.

• Priority access to child care for all staff.

• Pre-tax child care fee deductions.

• Employee assistance program.

• Participation in Staff team-building events and functions.  (More can be found on this under the heading of ‘Activities’.)

• Participation in our ‘recognition of great service’ program

•Flexibility of holidays.

•Programing time.

 In addition to the above, our staff also value:

• External Cleaners maintain the centre on a daily basis.  This allows the teaching staff to spend as much time as possible with the children, doing the things that they have been trained for, and not cleaning rooms.

• Substantially more in both quality and quantity than the minimum equipment required by regulations.  In addition we have a regular upgrade/replacement program to ensure that staff continue to have the best materials to work with, for the children.

• In addition, we have our own resource bank (equipment library) for staff to draw upon, for their programing needs.

• A very substantial ‘arts & crafts’ supply for each room, to also allow staff to program the widest variety of activities for the children.

• A substantial staff professional library of reference books, tapes, CD’s, and other resources, to provide them with the greatest range of innovative ideas from which they can draw on as part of their programing preparation.

• Air conditioned classrooms, to provide the most comfortable working environment, for the staff and the children, in the long hot Queensland summers.

• On-site Licencees, who are directly involved with the Centre and are totally committed to the Centre – its staff, its programs and its children.