Why Choose Us?

In all we do, we work ethically and professionally within the guidelines so that we provide you with excellence. 

We work for you and with you at no additional cost to you.

We have an AMC (Australian Mortgage Consultant) status with diplomas in lending.

We are accredited with the MIAA (Mortgage Industry Association of Australia) and have membership with COSL (Credit Ombudsman Service Limited).

As per quote, ‘in for a penny, in for a pound' that we proudly display on our stationary, once we commit to assisting you, we will go that extra step to give you the best outcome irrespective of the size of your financial needs.

Our policy whether it relates to accounting or mortgage lending it is one and the same- treat people/businesses as we like to be treated ourselves, work conscientiously within guidelines/timeframes so that we provide our clients with excellent service so that we can delight and surpass their anticipation.

Because from beginning to end and afterwards, we will treat you as we like to be treated, as our number one priority that in time to come you will be pleased that you chose us for your business.

We pride in our service as being honest and fair. We do not promise unrealistic time frames yet we work so that we delight you.

We care and will listen to your needs, explain the products so that your decision is informed and when all is finalised we will continue to assist you should the need be.

Think of us as 32 mortgage lenders bidding for your business -with no added commissions.

It will not cost to you a dollar over and above than if yourself would walk into a financial institution and apply for a home loan. However by using our service you will have choices of lenders, products and above all we will monitor each step of the way -follow up with real estate agents, solicitors and financial institutions- for a smooth settlement.

Because we are also tax accountants & business mentors we understand your financial position and are able to explore scenarios that suit your needs.