Welcome to BooksAssist - the bookkeeping experts

We are a SUNSHINE COAST BOOKKEEPING SERVICE supporting our clients by providing professional and cost effective bookkeeping.

Send your paperwork to us for processing or we'll come to you - whichever suits your needs the best!

BooksAssist is here to help so if you:

  • Simply need a great bookkeeper who is experienced and accountable;
  • Need financial reports so you can manage your business;
  • Are unsure who owes you money;
  • Are making profits but the cash never seems to be there;
  • Feel tired of always rushing to finish your books at the last minute;
  • Feel stressed because your books are out of control;
  • Just need to bit of training and support for the more difficult parts of your bookkeeping;
  • Starting up in business and not sure what to do;

then contact BooksAssist and ask for John - phone (07) 5326 3165.

If you need a Sunshine Coast Bookkeeper we would be delighted to speak to you and offer a free initial consultation and health check.

For all your Sunshine Coast Bookkeeping requirements our team is here to help. We cover an area stretching from Narangba to Noosa and include Bribie Island, Caboolture, Caloundra, Beerburrum, Kawana, Buderim, Forest Glen, Maroochydore, Nambour, Twin Waters and Coolum.

  • Free Initial consultation
  • Free Health Check
  • Competitive Fees
  • MYOB, Xero
  • Work from your office or ours
  • Experienced staff
  • Work with your accountants
  • Problem jobs
  • Staff up advice

Worried about your books and accounts?

We can help

Fallen behind with your paperwork?

We can help

Need a bookkeeper you can trust and rely on?

Look no further

Need to understand and control your financial matters?

Give us a call