Australian Financial Services Licence 283043 ABN 69 111 281 013
September 2020

PO Box 137 Tanilba Bay NSW 2319

P 02 4984 5545 E W


You have the right to ask us about our charges, the type of services and investment advice we will provide you, and what you can do if you have a complaint about our services.

This Financial Services Guide (“FSG”) is intended to inform you of certain basic matters relating to our relationship, prior to us providing you with any financial or investment service. The matters covered by the FSG include, who we are, how we can be contacted, what services we are licensed to provide, how we are remunerated and whether a conflict of interest exists, and details of our internal and external dispute resolution procedures, along with how you can access them.

It is our intention that this Financial Services Guide should assist you in determining whether to use any of the services described in this document.

You should also be aware that you are entitled to receive a Statement of Advice whenever we provide you with any specific and personal , which takes into account your investment objectives, financial circumstances and personal needs. The Statement of Advice will contain the advice, the basis on which it is given and a full disclosure of all professional fees and costs pertaining to that advice.

In the event we make a recommendation to acquire a particular financial product (other than securities), we must also provide you with a Product Disclosure Statement containing information about the particular product, which will enable you to make an informed decision in relation to the acquisition of that financial product.

Your Questions and Our Answers


Q: Who will be providing the financial service to me?

AUGEO Pty Ltd (Licensee) trading as AUGEO WEALTH MANAGEMENT
ABN: 69 111 281 013 Australian Financial Services Licensee No 283043

PO Box 137 Tanilba Bay NSW 2319
T 02 49 84 5545

Q: Who is my investment adviser?

John Azzi is an experienced investment analyst and portfolio manager. He is a director of AUGEO Pty Ltd.
John graduated in 1999 from the Securities Institute of Australia (SIA), now the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (Finsia) with a Graduate Diploma of Financial Markets Applied Finance & Investments, and a Graduate Diploma of Financial Advising. He also holds a Post Graduate Degree in Finance Risk Management and Superannuation from Deakin University specialising in Financial Planning.

John is an accredited self-managed superannuation fund specialist adviser (SSA) holding a specialist accreditation form the Financial Planning Association of Australia (FPA) and is a Certified Financial Planner (CFP), an Associate member of the Financial Planning Association (AFPA), and a Fellow Member of the Financial Services Institute of Australasia (F Fin).

He commands extensive knowledge and experience in the finance, investment and superannuation industry, specializing in management of direct equities portfolios and the administration and compliance of self-managed superannuation funds (SMSFs).

Q: What kinds of financial services is AUGEO licensed to provide me and what financial products do those services relate to?
Augeo Pty Ltd provides the following services:

  • Wealth Creation & Money Management
  • Investment Strategies
  • Superannuation and self-managed super funds (SMSF)
  • Retirement Planning and Income Streams
  • Personal Risk Management
  • Direct Equities Portfolio Management
  • Property Investment

AUGEO Pty Ltd is licensed by ASIC to provide advice on and deal in the following financial products:

  • Deposit Products
  • Government Debentures, Stocks & Bonds
  • Life Insurance Investment Products
  • Life Insurance Risk Products
  • Managed Investment Schemes incl. IDPS
  • Securities (direct shares)
  • Retirement Savings Account Products
  • Superannuation

We provide you with investment advice and portfolio management in relation to Securities, however, we do not offer any brokerage service to buy or sell securities. This service is usually provided by a licensed stockbroker. We are able to refer you to a choice of stockbroking firms whom we associate and deal through and who will arrange to execute acquisition and disposal of securities on your behalf.

Portfolio Monitoring: All personal details will be held in the strictest of confidence on our secure internal database, whilst your investment portfolio will be managed in real-time using a secure online portfolio management system.

As part of our Portfolio Monitoring service, clients’ portfolios are monitored on a needs-basis according to the structure and nature of investment assets held. Portfolios are reviewed on either monthly, quarterly or annual basis, as per clients’ discretion and instruction. All direct equities portfolios are monitored in real-time, and any recommendation made is regularly reviewed and assessed against changing market conditions and timely market analysis and research.

Q: Who does AUGEO act for when providing financial services for me?
YOU and only YOU, the client.
AUGEO Pty Ltd is responsible for the financial services and investment advice it provides to its clients and investors, and will always act in an independent role and in the best interest of its clients.

Q: How will I pay for the service?
AUGEO Pty Ltd operates on a fee-for-service basis. Fees will be charged at the rate of $300 (plus GST) per hour or part thereof. In turn, AUGEO will rebate any initial establishment fee which may be payable on any financial product approved by AUGEO Pty Ltd, and will credit any ongoing fee, where applicable, towards any professional costs incurred for services rendered.

Where a personal life insurance product is recommended and should any initial fee be paid by the life insurance company to AUGEO, this fee will be disclosed to the client and credited towards any professional costs incurred in the course of reseaching and providing such risk management advice.

Q: Does AUGEO receive remuneration, commission, fees or other benefits in relation to providing the financial services to me and how is that commission calculated?

(1) As a representative and director, John is entitled to receive a share of the profits generated by AUGEO Pty Ltd.

(2) The issuers of certain investment and financial products may pay an ongoing fee to AUGEO to meet the cost of providing investment advice and ongoing management. Any such fee, where applicable, will be credited towards any professional costs incurred in making such recommendation.

(3) The issuers of certain life insurance products recommended may pay AUGEO either a one-off or an annual fee to meet associated costs in providing such recommendation and ensuring it remains appropriate to clients needs. Any such fee, where applicable, will be credited towards any professional costs incurred in making such recommendation.

(4) Where a bonus or rebate is likely to be received by either licensee or representative, it will be disclosed in full in a Statement of Advice prepared prior to provision of any service. AUGEO has a strict practice policy of refusing any bonus or soft dollar payment.

(Q: Do any relationships or associations exist which might influence Augeo in providing me with the financial services?
Neither John Azzi, AUGEO Pty Ltd or any related corporate entity associated with either John Azzi or AUGEO Pty Ltd has any relationship or association with any product issuer that could be expected to influence us in the provision of our financial services to clients. Our investment advice remains always independent and free form any conflict of interest.


Q: Will AUGEO provide me advice, which is suitable to my needs and financial circumstances?
Yes. But to do so we need to clearly understand your investment objectives, your financial circumstances and your personal needs before we are in a position to recommend any financial products or services to you. You have the right not to divulge this information to us should you wish not to do so. Should this be the case, we would be required to warn you about the possible consequences that may be encountered as a result of us not having adequate information to base our advice upon. You should read the warnings carefully.

Q: What should I know about the risks of the financial products or strategies AUGEO recommends to me?
We will explain to you any significant risks of financial products and strategies which we recommend to you. If we do not do so, you should ask us to explain those risks to you.

Q: What information does AUGEO maintain in my file and can I examine my file?
We maintain a record of your personal profile, which includes details of your personal objectives, financial situation and needs.
We also maintain records of any recommendations made to you.

We are committed to implementing and promoting a privacy policy which will ensure the privacy and security of your personal information. A copy of our privacy policy is enclosed for your information and available on our website.

If you wish to examine your file, we ask that you make a request in writing and allow up to fourteen (14) working days for the information to be forwarded to you. We may charge a fee to cover the cost of verifying the application and locating, retrieving, reviewing and copying any material requested. If the information sought is extensive, we will advise of the likely timeframe and cost in advance and can help to refine your request if required.

Q: Can I provide AUGEO with instructions and tell you how I wish to instruct you to buy or sell my financial products?
Yes. You may specify how you would like to give us your instructions, for example by telephone, fax, or other means. we only request that a copy of any such instructions is able to be saved as a record and and retained on file for proof of confirmation.


Who can I complain to if I have a complaint about the provision of the financial services to me?

AUGEO Pty Ltd is a principle member of the Financial Industry Complaints Service Limited. (FICS Membership No. F-4401) which merged with the Banking and Finance Services Ombudsmanand the Insurance Service Ombudsman to form the Financial Ombudsman Service of which AUGEO Pty Ltd is a principle member (FOS membership No. 12048).

If you have any complaint about the service provided to you, you should take the following steps:

1. Contact us and tell us about your complaint.

2. If your complaint is not satisfactorily resolved within 3 days, please contact our Compliance Officer on 02 4984 5545 or post your written complaint to PO Box 137 Tanilba Bay NSW 2319. We will seek to resolve your complaint quickly and fairly.

3. If the complaint cannot be resolved to your satisfaction within 45 days, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the Financial Ombudsman Service (FOS). They can be contacted on 1300 78 08 08. This service is provided to you free of charge.

The first stage of the FOS process is where FOS facilitates discussions and negotiations between the parties. A case manager will be assigned to your call, all relevant documents are exchanged and the issues in dispute are identified. Most cases are settled at this stage.

If the dispute is not resolved, it goes to the an Adjudicator of FOS, who will decide how the dispute will be solved, either through Option A or Option B as described below:

Option A is conciliation conference and the parties come face to face with a conciliator from FOS. The role of the conciliator is to assist the parties to explore options for settlement of the dispute and to help parties to agree on their own outcome.

Option B is where either an independent adjudicator (compliant less than $150,000) or an independent panel (for a complaint over $150,000) is requested to make a decision “on the papers” taking into account the relevant law, fairness and reasonableness. If you accept the Adjudicator’s decision it is binding on the member (AUGEO), but it is not binding on you.

The Australian Securities and Investments Commission (ASIC) also has a free call Info line on 1300 300 630 which you may use to make a complaint and obtain information about your rights.

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